Our Services

Whether it’s your parent, sibling or friend - we understand the importance of providing top-quality professional care in the comfort of home and at a fraction of the cost of a nursing home.

We’ll create a fully tailored service that’s a combination of the below. Whether you require only a few hours a week or a full-time professional, you’ll have a dedicated person to ensure the care that we’d provide our own loved ones.

companionshipCompanionship, Recreation and Social Actvities

Companionship is a vital part of our lives, and having that as we move into our senior years is imperative. Our professionals understand what makes our seniors smile and provide an ongoing friendship.

Contact us directly to learn more.

hand around cupNon-medical and Wellness

Senior independence is consistently identified as one of the most treasured things, and having a dedicated person helping with non-medical needs separates the necessity of a nursing home versus independent home living. Our professionals will help with medical reminders, appointments and transportation, or even help with paying bills or aid in long, vigorous insurance claims. Perhaps your friend or family member requires nutrition planning and assistance. Every person has different needs, and it’s our place to learn and create a service that’s built around them. 

Contact us directly to learn more.

dogHome Chores, Errands and Travel Needs

Independent living comes with its share of chores and maintenance. Laundry, dishes, cleaning, running to get a gallon of milk, or even helping take care of pets; it’s vital to the overall comfort and happiness of our seniors, and we’re simply there to make it happen.

Contact us directly to learn more.

flowersAssisted Living Attention

While most of our senior enjoy care in the privacy of their own home, there are others who do prefer in the assisted living environement. Your Senior Care Choice also provides extra nurturing in assisted living, so there's extra attention to ensuring your loved one is receiving the care he or she needs. 

Contact us directly to learn more.

Your Senior Care Choice | 
2400 E. Main Street, Suite 103
 | St. Charles, IL 60174
Phone: (630) 444-0101
Fax: (630) 444-0606
 | Email: info@yourseniorcarechoice.com

Your Senior Care Choice